Belonging Begins with Us

Together, we can all play a part in making sure everyone feels they belong.

Let’s create more welcoming communities across Nebraska!

Feeling excluded is a universal experience – we all know what it’s like to feel left out – but for some it is more than momentary. We have the power to change that. Through shared experiences and making connections with our neighbors, we can create strong and supportive communities for everyone!

Nebraska is Home invites you to join others throughout our state and across the nation in the Belonging Begins with Us movement. Through individual actions and engaging your workplace, faith group or your whole town, we can play a part in creating welcoming and inclusive communities where everyone feels a sense of belonging.

Stories of Belonging

Come back here soon to read stories of welcoming and belonging from across the state of Nebraska! Visit to read stories from all around the country.

How to Get Involved

We can all play a part in making the communities we live in more welcoming. Join the movement to make sure everyone in your community feels like they belong!

    • Invite a neighbor to your favorite local coffee shop, bakery, or restaurant
    • Put a welcoming sign in your yard
    • Invite a neighbor to a local park, museum or historical site
    • See more ideas here!