The quarterly newsletter where we share Updates & Opportunities for Inclusive Communities
Now that the leaves are changing color and autumn has arrived, I hope you are warming up with a steaming cup of your favorite tea or coffee. I am glad you’re here, so let’s share some feel-good stories.
Recently I sat down with Hope Dunbar on the CASATalk Podcast to talk about Nebraska Is Home and the growing Welcoming movement in our state. Listen to the episode!
As we strive to build more welcoming communities where everyone feels they belong, we recognize that segregation and inequity are barriers to belonging. That is why it is important to educate ourselves about the causes (history) and effects (outcomes) of racism in our communities, and learn how to talk about them with those around us — so that we can break down systemic obstacles and create real inclusion.
Welcoming communities and places are made possible by people like you! Whether you’re a student, librarian, government worker, or business owner, each of us is empowered to foster more welcoming places at work, in our neighborhoods, and places of gathering where everyone feels like they belong.
We hope you can join us for The Fostering Belonging Individually and Structurally series starting October 14th, by Welcoming America, which features three videos and accompanying webinars on belonging: what it means, what it looks like, and how we can create belonging as individuals with structural impact.
Neighbors all across Nebraska came together this Welcoming Week – virtually as well as physically – to celebrate, learn together, and take strides in creating communities where everybody can belong.
Nebraskans hosted close to 30 events across more than eight communities, joining the growing movement to create more welcoming communities through intentional actions, practices, and policies. Immigrants, refugees, long-time residents, and community members of all backgrounds found imaginative ways to bring people together across lines of difference to develop greater understanding and mutual support, and to affirm that Belonging Begins With Us!
Happy Welcoming Week! It is often said that food is a great connector! The presence of food sets the table for conversation and curiosity — two essential ingredients for building community among people who have different backgrounds and identities. Under the right conditions, food can be a positive entry point for activities and initiatives that unite a community and decrease prejudice between different groups.
One great way to celebrate Welcoming Week is by trying a dish or recipe from a culture that’s different from your own.
Nebraska has a long history of welcoming refugees, even having the nation’s largest per capita refugee resettlement rate in 2016. As events unfold in Afghanistan, we stand with our Afghan neighbors who call Nebraska home and make our communities strong and vibrant.
We support the rapid processing and resettlement of Afghan individuals and families seeking safety, and those who—like the Laotians, Vietnamese, Iraqis, and others before them—protected and worked alongside Americans as translators, engineers, security guards, embassy clerks, and cultural advisors. Evacuations must continue until they are complete, not interrupted or halted by an arbitrary deadline. As we prepare to welcome our new neighbors, we know that belonging begins with us, and we can each do our part to help them feel they belong here.
For years, we have worked closely with community partners and educators across the state to build inclusive communities, where everyone can feel safe, respected, and valued.
Now is the time to start planning your Welcoming Week event, and we can help!
Welcoming Week is September 10th-19th and we’re ready to help you plan how you want to celebrate your community as a welcoming place!
Each year, Welcoming Week is a chance for neighbors from all backgrounds to come together, get to know one another, and celebrate what unites us as a community.
This is a guest blog post by Zeke Rouse, Appleseed’s Immigrants and Communities Welcoming Intern.
Across America, thousands of communities celebrate today in big and small ways, with local and larger events, holiday fare, parades, music, and readings of the Declaration of Independence. Some of us may not get past the hot dogs and watermelon, but it is time to reflect, even for just a few minutes, about what it means to live in a country built on the principles of democracy, where the voice of the people matters. “We the people” were, for many years, defined as white, land-owning men, but this has changed over time, as laws have codified standards to make our society fairer and more just. That doesn’t make us perfect. In fact, the founding fathers aimed to create not a perfect union, but a more perfect union. It was the dream of that more perfect union that inspired leaders like Susan B. Anthony and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to fight for rights to be extended to all Americans, beyond those whom our founding fathers narrowly included.