In meeting new neighbors and working toward creating inclusive communities, we cannot fully understand what another person is dealing with, and we are also often unaware of stories that don’t get big news headlines or scroll across our screens. Political unrest, violence, and war affect our neighbors in ways that most of us have never experienced. Our neighbors are not only navigating the new and complex society we share but they may be experiencing family separation, witnessing current political unrest or violence streamed from their home country, and fearing for family members who are left behind. Or they may have lost contact with those family members due to violence and lack of resources. We invited Nile to share his family’s story and how the civil war in Ethiopia affects his family living in Nebraska. – Christa Yoakum, Senior Welcoming Coordinator.
This is a guest blog post by Nebraska Appleseed’s Welcoming Intern, Nile Debebe.
This is the one word I could use to describe how I am feeling about the safety of my family in the Amhara region of Ethiopia.
Continue reading “Hopeless: Civil War in Ethiopia & Impact on Neighbors”