Immigrant Heritage Month 2018 – Mohamed Warsame

June is Immigrant Heritage Month. Throughout the month, we’ll be celebrating both our diversity and our shared American heritage by telling the stories of individuals that, together, comprise a uniquely American narrative.

Mohamed Warsame

After moving to Nebraska from Somalia, Mohamed joined many other immigrants who found work in a meatpacking plant near South Sioux City.

Seven years later, Mohamed is one of the go-to employees for any job at the plant, but has made an even greater impact by helping newcomers adjust to important details of life in the U.S. through his business, Sugal Consulting.

“A lot of people here, especially those from Muslim countries, they would like to buy a house or a business, but they don’t have a credit score,” he says. “So they come to me: ‘Mohamed, is there a way you can help?’”

Read more about Mohamed’s impact on his community at New American Economy.